Forma d.o.o. Cerknica Podskrajnik ind. cona 30a
1380 Cerknica
+386 1 70 93 427
+386 1 70 93 712
+386 41 61 61 68

Stroj&les program

  Clamp carriers

SLR - manual rotation

SL - ele rotation

  Profile gluing - thickness

SLV - by carriage

SLH - by arms

  Table preses stiskalnice


  Glue spreaders

MNL-250, NL-2D, NL-4

Presses and glue spreaders  (program Stroj&les)


  Presses and glue spredaers -  program Stroj&les

Wood in the presses can be glued by length or by width. With our presses we supply industry for wooden boards gluing, manufacturing plants of window frames, door frames, and all other wood frame industry.

In addition to our presses we also offer all the accessories for gluing processes and full technical support.

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