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+386 1 70 93 427
+386 1 70 93 712
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Stroj&les program

  Clamp carriers

SLR - manual rotation

SL - ele rotation

  Profile gluing - thickness

SLV - by carriage

SLH - by arms

  Table preses stiskalnice


  Glue spreaders

MNL-250, NL-2D, NL-4

Clamp carriers


  Cold gluing system - clamp carriers

The clamp carriers are inteded for edge gluing and lamination of wooden stock whose joints dried naturally. They require very little  space and their modular design allows gradual expendability to meet the desired capacity. They are very simple to maintain and operate. Wooden elements, on the edges of which the glue nas already been applied, are stacked into clamps, organized in sections, which are dfriven by an endless chain and mav, therefore, be adjusted so as to form various size of cured stock.

Clamps may accommodate wooden elements  from 25 to 90 mm. Additional elements are to be applied in order to obtain narrow or thicker stock, such  as 12-25 mm - pannel flattener,  90-100 mm - adapters. Clamps may be tightened manually or by  manually pneumatic tool (pistole) or automatically driven, pneumatic or hydraulic engine.

Dependance of the capacity you can choose between  manual rotation (SLR) or eletrical rotation (SL)models.

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